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The Wayfarer is a playable character in the videogame known as Journey.



The Wayfarer was first seen in the dessert in Journey, after a commit came down from the sky. The Wayfarer walked to an area that had a emblem witch gave them the ability to fly and so went to the ground below to find two more emblems and found a way to open a large door. The Wayfarer went thought the door and sought to use some of the Cloth around the area to help create a pathway upwards and so went through another door, only to find a large area of sand to explore. The Robed Figure went to free as much of the Cotton as they were able to so that they could reach a temple as fast as they can. The Robed Figure then reached the top of the temple and saw a vision and then went to a peace of Cotton. The Robed Figure then slided through the desert until they reached the bottom of a temple, they had anothet vistion and then went through the temple. Inside the temple however where two War Machine that the Robed Figure had to be careful of, they then slided down to the bottom of the temple witch lighted up and frightened the Gaurdiens away. The Robed Figure had yet another vision and went through the templet to light up the murals and later pilar until they reached the the top and had another vision. The Robed Figure then went to the mountain, where the icy winds would harm them, they gone through the the snow and around the two Gaurdiens again until they reached the top of the moutain where the winds would blow their scarf away and make them fall in the snow. The Robed Figure was then given a second chance by the five Ancestors and so jumped through the vortex and so jumped and slided to the top of the moutain where they would later walk into a white light and a commit would go through all of the areas the Robed Figure went through until it went back to the begiining of the dessert. If so chosen, the Robed Figure would redo the adventure.

The Unfinished Swan[]

A pair of Wayfarers appear in The Unfinished Swan, as Monroe looked into a telescop.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Vibrations: The Robed Figure can create vibrations, possibly as a way to communicate.
  • Flight: Due to the air around and the size of the scarf, the Robed figure can fly until they run out of power.
  • White Robes: After collecting all of the Emblems, the Robed Figure has the choice to turn their robes white, this also gives then a regeneration ability.



  • Journey
  • Journey: Collectors Edition

Giant Sparrow

  • The Unfinished Swan (cameo)


           Indie Video Game Sorcerers

Open World
AncestorAnimalsBruteCablecrowCatChickenClothGhostsGiantHat KidKing's HippoKingsMilton FinchMonroeMonroe's MotherNobetaPrincess ButtontopPrincess PlumpPumpkin JackRattlerSea CreatureSpiderSwanVillagersWar MachineWayfarerZardy

Side Scrollers
AlBadelineBirdBladCodinoDayFelixFranzerIchLady AmethistMadelineMaxMonsters (Dark Witch)Monsters (Max and the Magic Marker)Monsters (Page Chronica)Mr. OshiroMustachoOriOld LadyOld WomanPalelinRivaSheepSimoneStojTheoVerriZizou Olympia


See also
Cat Quest SorcerersDust: An Elysian Tail SorcerersIndie Pogo SorcerersMediEvil SorcerersMinecraft SorcerersOddworld SorcerersShantae SorcerersSkullgirls SorcerersSpooky's Jump Scare Mansion SorcerersSteamWorld Sorcerers
