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Spooky is the main antagonist and titled character in Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.



Spooky was a normal kid, but was often considered to be weird by some as she had an interest in horror stories. One night during halloween, Spooky went to scare someone, only to be shot by a gun. Afterwards a group of scientist that tried to study the paranormal known as GL Labs decided to bring Spooky back to the realm of the living, leading to the company to study other strange creatures such as the Specimens. After a while the scientists at GL Labs long ago, Spooky sent Specimens 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 after anyone who entered her home, possibly to test them or to create an army of ghosts for herself.

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion[]

Spooky made her first appearance in Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, where a stranger once entered her mansion, leading Spooky to send her Specimens to chase down the stranger. She would also occasionally visit the strangers and may give of some advice. After this stranger went to the thousandth floor of Spooky's mansion, she gave him a bit of encouragement and sent him to fight against Specimen 9. Depending on if the stranger did not swung his axe on a number of Specimens, he dies and becomes a member of Spooky's ghost army. If the stranger did swing his axe too much, Spooky would decided to make him one of her new Specimens. If the stranger did not see any Specimen, Spooky would congradulate him and show him the stares outside.

Spooky may have sent Unknown Specimens 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 after the stranger, while said stranger was exploring the rest of the mansion.

After the stranger entered an old abandoned hospital, Spooky went to see him, saying that she forgotten about it and left for a bit. She would later appear after the stranger was done with the haunted hospital.

After the sranger appeared in the bottom part of the mansion called the 'doll house', where Spooky would again say that she forgotten about the place and left once again. Spooky later apeared to 'clean up' a part of the doll house by sending a few dormant Husks and left once again. Just after the stranger entered lost area, only to say that she does not like it here and wants the stranger to leave. If the stranger sacraficed Specimens 4, 6, 8 or 11 to a hellgate, Spooky would pass over and be with her perants.

Indie Pogo[]

Spooky appears in Indie Pogo, as a Trophy.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

  • Spooky's House of Jump Scares / Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
  • Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation


  • Indie Pogo


           :category:Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion SorcerersSorcerers

Main Characters
GL LabsProtagonistSpooky
Story Mode: Specimen 1Specimen 2Specimen 3Specimen 4Specimen 5Specimen 6Specimen 7Specimen 8Specimen 9Specimen 10 (Old)Specimen 11Specimen 12Specimen 13Specimen 14
Karamari Hospital: Monster 1Monster 2Monster 3Monster 4Monster 5Monster 6Monster 7
Endless Mode: Unknown Specimen 1Unknown Specimen 2Unknown Specimen 3Unknown Specimen 4Unknown Specimen 5
Spooky's Doll House: FrenzyHooked DollHuskThe ClownWoormy Charles
BayagotothDemon ChildDollSpooky's FatherWhite Cat

           Indie Pogo Sorcerers

DustJackMeat BoyOrcanePenelopeSash LilacShovel KnightStardropViridianYolkZorbié

BartClawed GirlCorbiéCreep A. CrowDandaraDuckDuke DashintonGuideJack B. NimbleKnightMasked KidMolli PopMothNocturnaPizzaSpookyTamakoVampire HunterWizardZoe

