Sorcerers Wiki

Thanks Little Buddy!
~ Sam to Max.

Sam is one of the two main protagonists in the Sam & Max series.


Sam & Max[]

Sam was friends with Max since they were both children, they went to college together and then opened up their freelance Police job together.

Sam was first seen in the comic...

In the video game known as Sam & Max: Save the World, Sam went to stop the Soda Poppers from grfiting the streets as well as helping both Bosco and Sybil Pandemik, only to find out that the Soda Poppers were hypnotised and so went to ask Sybil with help to enter a retirement home to confront the hypnotiser, who was Brady Culture and mind controlled Sam into selling his videos, only for Sam to take Bosco's cheese and had the sucurity system snap him out of his trans. Sam then bought Bosco's anti-Hypnotis helmit to save Max, he also had to mind control the Soda poppers to take down Brady.

After a month went past Sam went to the Bosco's to pick up some shaving cream, only to chase down a pair of semi-naked rats in a toy car. They then took the shaving cream and later went to the television studio where Max convinced him to be a part of a sitcom. After their proformence, Sam encountered Hugh Bliss, asked him to change color and took a picture with him. He then tried a quiz show, only to lose and later went to a cooking show to creat a cake. He later took the singing cards of one of the Soda Poppers and replaced the Quiz questions with them and so won a minnion dollers of food stickers. Sam then drove back to town to give Sybil a picture and later took a news papers, then he went to Bosco the food sickers in exchange for a devise to give him a high pitched voice and placed some catchup on the cake, only to head back to the studio to take out one of the judges and cheat his way to winning the singing contest. Sam and Max later appeared to give Mira Stump a tapcopy of their show, a newspaper and something else. Mira Stump allowed the two to appear on her show, only for Sam to to find a way to electricute her, he later took her hynpsis bear as a trophy.

One month later Sam later went to discover factory that where creating the Hypnotic Bears and found a way to cheat a cheater in a form of poker, he then gave his winnings to Bosco, who gave him a cockroach to listen in on people. Sam then used the cockroach to listen to the password used by the Toymafia to enter their sectret room. Both Sam and Max then tried to prove themselves to the Mafia, by potting one of their toys in Bosco's shot and faking Sybil's murder. After seeing the real face of the cheif of the toymafia, the two went to escape them. Both Sam and Max then went back to the casino to look for some clues, only to run into the chief of the toymafia again who tried to hypnotise the two. However, since Sam was wearing his anti-hypnosis hat, he pretended to be so and found a way to destroy the toymafia's factory.

Yet after another month has past Sam and Max went to the White House to warn the presadent that hypnotic devises are around and that he was hypnotized. After Whizzer came in, Sam acted as a peronal translator due to the fact that the president did not know what Whizzer was saying and made Whizzer go to the the War Room, only to let Max punch the president's head clean off. This lead for both Max and a reanimated head of Abraham Lincoin to debate on who would become president. Sam took some cards across town and used a bug to trick Syble into asking Abraham on a date, leading to Max to become president. After this Sam used the presidental money to give to both Syble and Bosco, only to take Bosco's truth seram. He then got rid of the Soda Poppers that were in the White House and later went to the war room to destroy the body of Abraham Lincoin.

One more month went past, Sam noticed that their was something up with Syble and so went to Bosco's only to find that Jimmy Two-Teeth was setting up an arms train inside bosco's store and so both he and Max placed him in his cannon and tried to bring Syble back to reality. Sam was hopping that Syble was not completly annoyed by this and so went to the abandend shop next to hers, only to meet the C.O.P.S. who offered both Sam and Max a new set of goggles and a repair chip. Sam then took Syble's broken goggles and entered a world known as Reality 2.0, where the two heroes messed around in the world and freed Bosco from hypnotization. They then gave Bosco some more money online and later destroyed the internet, only to be in a text-based adventure, only to be freed after the internet regained it's respect for living things.

One more month has passed and Sam was still questioning their last case, only to discover that the villain that was behind the hypnotis plots was Hugh Bliss. Both Sam and Max then went to the moon, only to find Harry Moleman, a former fow of theirs and Againt Superball, a presidential gaurd who gave them a unicorn toy. The two then went back to Earth so that they could punt the unicorn toy in Bosco's microwave and then went back to the moon, only to see the C.O.P.S., Abraham Lincion, their bug, a shark and Mr. Featherly, who they got magic items from. Both Sam & Max then went to visit Hugh Bliss, only for him to seperate Max into for, this lead Sam to use the magic items he gained to help bring max into one once more. He also gave Syble a Bill of Rights of Canada inturn for some money and so bought an earthquak devise from Bosco. After bringing Max back together, the two went to fight against Hugh Bliss and effectively murdering him.

In the video game Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space, Both Sam & Max was invaded by a robot from the north pole and after defeating it, the two went to the north pole, only to meet the Soda Poppers once more, they then went inside to speak to Santa Claus and his Elves.

Poker Night 2[]

Sam is one of the contestants in Poker Night 2, along with Claptrap from Boarderlands, Brock Samsan from Venture bros., Ash Willaims from Army of the Dead and the player.


Sam & Max

  • Novals
    • ???
  • Video Games
    • Sam & Max: Hit the Road
    • Sam & Max: Save the World
    • Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space
    • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
  • Cartoons
    • Season 1
      • ???

Poker Night

  • Poker Night 2


  • Due to his diet, Sam has created an immunity to chocalete.
  • Sam had more of a role in the Telltail Games trilogy than Max did, up until The Devil's Playhouse.


           Category:Sam & MaxSorcerers


Abraham Lincoln (Zombie) • Agent SuperballBig FootsBoscoBrunoComissionerDr. Mama BoscoDr. PapperwaitFlint PaperGaryGordon the BrainGrampa StinkyHarry MolemanMaximusMolemenMonsterSalSamethSanta ClausSybil PandemikVanuatoo

"Junior" MaxCharlie Ho-TepElvesGirl StinkyGeneral Skun-Ka'peHugh BlissJurgenSammun-MakSatanSoda PoppersSpace GorillasZombies
