Sorcerers Wiki

Sam is a major character in the Oddworld series.



Sam is the mother and queen of all of the Modukukns, she was however inslaved by the Glukkons and Sligs so that younger Modukuns would also be their slaves.

Sam was mentioned in Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, where some of her new offspring are being sold to highest bidder along with Gabbit Eggs.



  • Oddworld: Abe's Exoduce (mentioned only)
  • Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (mentioned only)


           :category:Oddworld SorcerersOddworld Sorcerers:category:Oddworld Sorcerers
Abe's Oddysee: ElumGlukkons (Molluck the Glukkon)Mudokons (Abe, Big Face & Shaman)ParamitesShrykullScrabSligSlogWildlife

Abe's Exoduce: AlfBlind ModukunDirector PhlegFleechGeneral DripikGreetersThree WierdosVice President Aslik
Munch's Oddysee: FuzzleInternLady Margaret the Glukkon QueenLatamire MunchLuluMeepSamVykker(Humphrey & Irwin)
Stranger's Wrath: DocClakkersGloktigiGrubbsOutlaws (Blisterz Booty, Boilz Booty, D. Caste Raider, Elboze Freely, Fatty McBoomBoom, Filthy Hands Floyd, Flint "Explosives" McGee, Jo Mama, Lefty Lugnutz, Looten Duke, Meagly McGraw and Tiny & Skuz, Packrat Palooka)StrangerSektoSlegWalvark
Soulstorm: Mudokon Test SubjectTobi
