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Red is a minor antagonist in the Spyro series.



Red was once a part of the Dragon Elders, only for the Sorcerer to make him use dark magic and betrayed the Dragon Elders.

Red made his first appearance in Spyro: A Hero's Tail, where he hired Gnasty Gnorc and his Gnorc army. After hering that Spyro the Dragon defeated Gnasty, Red hired Ineptune to fight against him. After Ineptune was defeated by Spyro, he sent a mamoth to fight against him, only for Spyro to be imprisoned. Red then fought against Spyro himself, only to lose and left without his staff. Red then kidnapped the Professor to turn the Gnorc soldiers into Robo-Gnorcs. Red then went to fight against Spro once more, this time impowered by the devise that created the Robo-Gnorcs. Red was defeated, only to be traped in a jar.

Red somehow escaped the jar and went to help the Sorcerer once again in Spyro: Shadow Legacy, even fighting Spyro once again. However, after this defeat, Red went to team up with Spyro this time and regoined the Dragon Elders.



  • Spyro: A Hero's Tail
  • Spyro: Shadow Legacy


           :category:Spyro SorcerersSorcerers

Spyro the Dragon: BlowhardDragonsDoctor StempFairiesGnasty GnorcGnorcsJacquesMetalheadThiefToastySheepSparx the DragonflySpyro the DragonWizards
Spyro 2: Bombo the FlagkeeperCrushElora the FaunGulpHunter the CheetahMoneybagsProfessorRiptoZoe
Spyro: Year of the Dragon: Agent 9BartholomewBentleyBiancaBuzzRhynocsScorchSgt. James ByrdShiela the KangarooSleepyheadSorceressSpikeYetis
Spyro: Season of Ice: Grendor
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly: Dragon SpiritDragonflies
Spyro: A Hero's Tail: Blink the MoleEmberFlameIneptuneMammothMechagnorcsRed
Spyro: Shadow Legacy: Shadow CreaturesSorcerer

The Legend of Spyro Trilogy
A New Beggining: ApesCynder the DragonGuardians (Ignitus)MaleforSpyro the DragonSparx the Dragonfly
The Eternal Night: Dark SpyroElemental DragonGaulTrolls
Dawn of the Dragon: DestroyerGolemGrublinsHunter the CheetahWyvern

Crash Bandicoot: Aku AkuCoco BandicootCrash BandicootCrunch BandicootDr. Neo CortexFake CrashLab AssisstantNina CortexPlants
Skylanders: Cynder (Academy)Dark SpyroMalefor (Academy)Spyro (Academy)

See also
Crash Bandicoot SorcerersSkylanders Sorcerers
