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The Pirate Master is one of the main antagonists in the Shantae series.


Shantae and the Pirates Curse[]

The Pirate Master was a powerful pirate that had a crew of Tinkerbats, although it is unknown if they were Cacklebats at the time, and Risky Boots. He later fought against the Geneies, only to die in battle. Risky later took what was left of his and began her own pirate journys.

After Nega Shantae was defeated, her magic reawoken the Pirate Master. This lead both Risky and Shantae to regain all of the Pirate Master's equipment. In Shantae and the Pirates Curse, The Pirate Master reawoken and took what was his from Risky and headed over to Scuttle Town. He was turning the Palace into his own personal home and went to kill Risky for her betrayel. Shantae later arrived and went fight against the Pirate Master, only to bargain with him for the Magic to free Risky Boots. The Pirate Master then fought against Shantae and he later deid in battle once again.

Powers and Abilities[]

Combat: The Pirate Master has the ability to change size, as well as psychicly use his weapons in combat.


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Main Heroes

Other Heroes
Abner CadaverBath GirlLobster SirenPoeSave GuyShop OwnerVillagersZombies

Pirate MasterRisky BootsTinkerbat

Barons of Sequinn Land
Ammo BaronArmor BaronHypno BaronSquid BaronTechno Baron

Seven Sirens
Angler Fish SirenCoral SirenEmpress SirenOcto SirenTubeworm SirenWater Lily Siren

Other Villains
Giga MermaidHolly LingerbeanNega-ShantaeStone Gaudians

Minor Enemies
ArcherBatsBatgalCrabCrackersFrog FishGhostMermaidMud Bog CreaturesNagaOne-Eyed SpiderOrcPincerScarecrowScorpiangalSnakesWild Zombie
