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A retired legend who sits comfortably in the periphery of heroic deeds. Returnig to the life of adventure once again, he lends his skillful blade to those proving themselves worthy. His rationale lies hidden behind an assortment of ornate masks.
~ Orik's Biography.

Orik is one of the playable characters in the SteamWorld series.


SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech[]

Orik once helped Gilgamech to fight against a Behemoth, however after Gilgamech was becoming fed up with people forgetting who he was, Orik tried to reason with him. This lead Orik caged.

In SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, Orik was rescued by Armilly, Copernica and Galleo, he then was caged up once again, this time he was meditating and so joined the trio to rescue the Guild Heroes. He went to fight against the Void army and later went to fight against Captain Canary as well as a Dragon. After the Guild Heroes were freed, Orik went with the trio to head to Copernica's old collage, only to meet Tarah & Thayne. Orik went to help look for a way to enter the collage and so did, only to fight against the collage Brats and another Dragon. After defeating the Dragon, Orik asked Tarah & thayne to join them and went to meet Headmistress Hyapathia where he notices that she wanted to use the Guild Heroes to recreat the Necronomicog and went to fight against her. Orik later heard that Tarah & Thayne knows where the Necronomicog was and went to the Cursed City with the help of the Mysterious Merchant. In the Cursed City, the group met someone known as Archdruid Bob IV, who sent them on a wild goose chase and fought against another Dragon. Bob later sent the group to meet the Ringmaster who made them fight in his areana and told them that Bob had the Necromonicog. The group than went into the catacombs and later saw Bob be destroyed by the Téras Koloss and went to fight against it, only to later take the Necronomicog. The Void army later appeared with Gilgamech speaking to Orik, only to paralize the group and leave with the Necronomicog. Orik went to speak to the group around a campfire and later took off his mask. The group than fought their way to the Void's castle and fought against Shadow versions of their past enemies. Orik later went to helo fight against the shadow versions of his friends, being Reckless Knight (Armilly), Arrogant Alcemist (Copernica), Brooding Hermit (Galleo), Repressive Sister (Tarah), Budonsom Brother (Thayne) and later went to fight against three shadow versions of himself being Wayward Spirit, Demon Warrior & Jovial Deity, only to defeat them. Orik and the rest of the group than went to fight against Gilgamech twice and later against the Behemoth once again. After the second defeat of the Behemoth, Orik went to help rebuild the towns and collage that the Behemoth destroyed and went away with the Mysterious Merchant across the land.

Powers and Abilities[]

Cards: Orik uses cards based on his various masks, his sword and electrizity, these cards are: Raging Demon, Iai Cut, Calming Winds and Cyclone Slash.


           SteamWorld Sorcerers

Fellowship: ArmillyCopernicaGalleoOrikTarah & Thayne

Other: Mysterious Merchant

Void: Captain CaneryDragonGilgamechHeadmistress Hyaphathia

Other: BehemothDruidsWildlife
