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~ Old Specimen 10's current CAT-DOS entry.

Old Specimen 10 was a minor antagonist seen in the indie video game Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion[]

Old Specimen 10 was possibly creaded by GL Labs at one point.

Old Specimen 10 was also seen after the Protagonist entered an old facility and looked up some notes, it would later exit some vents and would attack the Protagonist. Old Specimen 10 would of also helped some of the other Specimens in hunting down the Protagonist, such as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.

After a while, Old Specimen 10 went to attack the player in some vents, only to die by the hands of the current Specimen 10.


Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

  • Spooky's House of Jump Scares / Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
  • Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation (cameo)


  • Old Specimen 10 was the only one of the Specimens to be replaced.
  • Old Specimen 10 being replaced was because of the creators of the game not really liking the design.
  • Old Specimen 10 may still be encountered as a threat on some older versions of Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.
  • Old Specimen 10 and Specimen 3 are the only Specimens that were created by GL Labs.
  • Old Specimen 10's original total fatalities are 0.


           :category:Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion SorcerersSorcerers

Main Characters
GL LabsProtagonistSpooky
Story Mode: Specimen 1Specimen 2Specimen 3Specimen 4Specimen 5Specimen 6Specimen 7Specimen 8Specimen 9Specimen 10 (Old)Specimen 11Specimen 12Specimen 13Specimen 14
Karamari Hospital: Monster 1Monster 2Monster 3Monster 4Monster 5Monster 6Monster 7
Endless Mode: Unknown Specimen 1Unknown Specimen 2Unknown Specimen 3Unknown Specimen 4Unknown Specimen 5
Spooky's Doll House: FrenzyHooked DollHuskThe ClownWoormy Charles
BayagotothDemon ChildDollSpooky's FatherWhite Cat
