Sorcerers Wiki

This is a list of all of the known Magic Users that have been noted to exist.


  • Alchemists: Those that study alchamy.
  • Aliens: Aliens with magic abilities. (no, not E.T.!)
  • Allies and Minions: A form of Magic user that will help the main protagonist or the main antagonist in their respected series.
  • Alter Forms: Sorcerers that have a seperate personality or a sorcerer that looks and acts similar to another in their respected series.
  • Animals: Magic animals.
  • Anime Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have appeared in an Anime series.
  • Angles: Light Elemental creatures that have appeared in various midia.
  • Avatars: Magic Users that are reincarnations of other Sorcerersa.



  • Cartoon Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have appeared in a cartoon series.
  • Centaurs: A magical species known to exist in mazes.
  • Chanters: A form of Magic Users that use a form of chanting
  • Chi Wizards: A user of Chi (or Qi) magic.
  • Chosen Ones: The Chosen One, a trope used in most media.
  • Comedy Sorcerers: Magic Users that appear in a comedic series.
  • Comic Book Sorcerers: Any known magic User that has appeared in a Comic Book.
  • Crossover Sorcerers: Any known magic user that has appeared in a crossover.
  • Cryptids: In some media the Cryptids, moden mythical animals, have a form of magic.
  • Cursed: Some Sorcerers have their magic from a Curse, or at least use to.


  • Dark Fantasy Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have appeared in a twisted or dark fantasy series.
  • Death Gods: Any know god of Death.
  • Deceased: A Sorcerers that has died in their respected series.
  • Deities: Sorcerers that are Gods or have god-live abilities.
  • Demons: A famous form of Magic Species.
  • Doctors and Scientists: While they are mainly seen in Sci-Fi, some known Doctors and Scierntists also appears in Fantasy.
  • Dragons: A famous Magical Species.
  • Dream Creatures: Sorcerers that have the power over dreaming or have originsated from the Realm of Dreams themself.
  • Druids: A form of Elemental Magic user that appears mainly in the Forest.
  • Dwarves: Magic Users that are a part of the Dwarth species, or a Sorcerer that have drawthism.


  • Elementals: Sorcerers that hole an Elemental power.
  • Elves: A menber of either the Elf or Drow speices.
  • Ents: Living Trees


  • Fairies: A member of the Fairy magical species.
  • False Sorcerers: Sorcerers that lack any form of magic, however holds a major role in the series they originated from.
  • Fantasy Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have only appeared in a Fantasy series, as that is what they originated from.
  • Females: A female magic user.
  • Force of Nature: Sorcerers that also act as a force of nature.
  • Forest Spirits: Sorcerers that have control over nature.


  • Game Bosses: a magic user that is a boss in a video game.
  • Giants: Any form of magic user that is 10ft tall or higher.
  • Golems: A forms of Magical Species that holds similarities to Robots but have no real relation to them.


  • Healers: Magic Users that have the ability to heal others.
  • Heroes: Protagonists.





  • Mages: A form of Magic Users, often considered as the waekest form of one.
  • Magic: Magic.
  • Magic Hunters: Anyone who will try to hunt down various forms of magic.
  • Masgic Items: Items with magical abilities.
  • Magic Robots: A robot with magical powers or runs on a magic source.
  • Magic Users: Sorcerers that use the attribute of magic in their respected series.
  • Magic Wielders: Anyone who uses a magic item.
  • Magical Species: Any known species that has appeared in a fantasy series.
  • Males: Male magic users.
  • Masters: A form of leaders or having mastery over a form of magic.
  • Mentioned Only Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have only been mentioned or have seen in flashbacks but still have a major role in their respected series.
  • Merfolk: Any sorcerer hat can breath under water.
  • Mimics: A form of Magical Species, that often appear in Video Games as of late.
  • Minotaurs: A form of Magical Spoecies that originated in Greek.
  • Movies Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have appeared in a movie.
  • Mummies: A form of undead beings.
  • Mythology: Sorcerers fromany form of Myhtology.



  • One Time Sorcerers: Sorcerers that have appeared only once in their respected series.
  • Orcs: A form of Magical Species.
  • Other: Sorcerers that do not belong to a series, they belong to actual people.



  • Redeemed: A former villain that has either redeemed themselves or with given closure for their actions.
  • Retired: A magic user that has retired from their work.
  • Resurrected: A magic user that has come back from the dead for some reason.
  • Royalty: A magic user that belongs to a royal family, wreather by blood or odopted into it.




  • Unnamed: a magic user that has their real name hidden.
  • Unicorns: A villainous magical species.
  • Undead: A being that has come back from the dead, more or less.




  • Yōkai: A class of magical species mainly seen in Japan.

