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An undercover cop trying to bring down the Twisted Metal contest. The original John Doe was killed by Calypso at the end of Twisted Metal: Black™. Rumor is, Midtown P.D. has a whole team of John Does, all with the same mission: take down Calypso.
~ John Doe's bio, Twisted Metal: Lost.

John Doe is a playable character in the Twisted Metal series.


Twisted Metal[]

John Doe only appeared in Twisted Metal: Lost, where some time after the death of the original John Doe, another member of the Police was to take on the name and drive a junk car known as Roakill to look for and hunt down Calypso. John Doe may have also fought against a few other contestants, such as; Charlie Kane, Sweet Tooth, Axel, Agent Stone, Billy Ray Stillwell, Black, Bloody Mary, Cage, Dollface, Mr. Grimm, No-Face, Preacher, Raven, Golden Tooth and Severed Sam. Though it is believed that John Doe is still looking for Calypso, even now.


Twisted Metal

  • Twisted Metal: Head-On Extra Twisted Edition


  • John Doe shares his car known as Roadkill with Captain Spears, Marcus Kane, his predecessor, Sweet Tooth, his army of Clowns, the 2012 version of Mr. Grimm, his army of Skulls, the 2012 version of Dollface, her army of Dolls, Preacher and his army of Holy Men.
  • Since Twisted Metal: Lost takes place in the head of Sweet Tooth, this version of John Doe could represent who Sweet Tooth views some members of the Police to never really be able to give up.


           Twisted Metal Series LogoSorcerers
Video Games

Twisted Metal (1995)
Drivers: Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneCaptain SpearsCharlie KaneCommander MasonDave & MikeMinionMr. AshMr. GrimmScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsSweet Tooth
Others: BlackCalypsoDemonsGhostsKane FamilyPolice
Twisted Metal 2
Drivers: Amanda WattsAxelCaptain Jamie RobertsCaptain RogersKen MastersKrista SparksMarcus KaneMike & StuMortimer ScharfSimon Whittlebone
Others: Axel's FatherRoberts FamilySparks Family
Comic: AlJoanieSatan
Twisted Metal III
Drivers: Amber RoseBuster CobbClub KidDamien ColesGranny DreadLance Wilder
Boss: Primeval
Twisted Metal 4
Drivers: CalypsoConner NazangCustomDennis FlandersGoggle EyesGeneral WarthogMicro BlastOrbitalQuatroRob ZombieThe JonesesTrash ManZanita Corbett
Others: Dr. RhoemerSweet Tooth's Henchmen (Melvin)
Twisted Metal: Black
Drivers: Agent StoneBilly Ray StillwellBlackBloody MaryCageDollfaceJohn DoeMr. GrimmNo-FacePreacherRaven
Others: AnnieAxel's WifeBennyDoomsday CultDr. HatchKellyMr. KreelTankerTeenage BoysThe PilotVietnam AdvisorWarhawk
Twisted Metal: Small Brawl
Drivers: HammerheadMastersMimeMr. GrimmOfficer RobertsPiecemealPrivate MasonSlamTrapperTwisterVinnie & BruceWarthog
Others: CatGoulber the Frog
Twisted Metal: Head-On
Drivers: Agent ShepardAngelCatfishChuckie FloopColonel HallCousin EddyGene RuttishMiranda Watts
Drivers (Lost): John DoeSevered Sam
Others: Calypso's GuardsDr. Zemu
Others (Lost): Apocalypse 9Bruce Cochrane's Former BossBruce Cochrane's Girlfriend
Twisted Metal (2012)
Drivers: DollfaceMr. Grimm
Gangs: ClownsDollsHoly MenSkulls
Others: Charlie KaneMr. Grimm's FatherThe Brothers GrimmSophie Kane
Televsion Series
Twisted Metal (2023)
Agent SheppardAgent StoneAmber RoseAxelBillBloody MaryCalypsoCarl RobertsDollface (Dollface Army)Jamie RobertsJohn DoeLoudMikeMiranda WattsMr. GrimmPreacher (Holy Men)QuietRavenStuTinkerSweet Tooth
