The Griffins, also known as Gryphons, are a species in the Skylanders series.
The Griffins first appears in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, with the Skylander known as Sonic Boom and her hatchlings, who went to fight against Kaos and his minions.
In Skylanders: Giants, Sonic Boom and her hatchlings gained new abilities to help the Giants to prevent Kaos from reawakening the Arkeyan army.
In Skylanders: Imaginators, the Skylanders, namely Air Strike and an Earth Imaginator went to the Gryphon Park to stop the Trolls from stealing the Rainbow Griffin eggs. Some of the Imaginators can also resemble the Griffins.
Main Series
- Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
- Skylanders: Giants
- Skylanders: SWAP-Force
- Skylanders: Trap Team
- Skylanders: SuperChargers
- Skylanders: SuperChargers Racing
- Skylanders: Imaginators
Side Series
- Skylanders: Universe (Discontinued)
- Skylanders: Cloud Patrol
- Skylanders: Battlegrounds
- Skylanders: Lost Islands
- Skylanders: Battlecast
- Books
- Terrafin Battles the Boom Brothers
- Trigger Happy Targets the Evil Kaos
- Comics
- Issue 9 Return of the Dragon King Part 9