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The Dark Inferno is a minor antagonist in Kingdom Hearts III, as a member of the Heartless.


Kingdom Hearts III[]

The Dark Inferno can be found in the Badlands of the Keyblade Graveyard,through a portal. If the portal is activated, the Dark Inferno went to do a one-on-one fight against Sora. However the Dark Inferno was deafeat by Sora, which lead to Sora collecting one of the many reports found in each world. If Sora went to activate the Portal again, this would begin the fight once again.

In the ReMIND DLC, Sora went to Ventus' Dive to the Heart to search for Kairi, although he later heard a voice, claiming to be 'Darkness'. Sora asked if this was Vanitas, however this later lead to Sora fighting against a version of Dark Inferno known as the Dark Inferno χ. Sora fought against and defeated this form and went back to looking for Kairi.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Teleportation: The Dark Inferno has been shown to be able to teleport.
  • Super Speed: The Dark Inferno has been shown to fly at high speed for its combo-attacks.
  • Dual-Blades: The Dark Inferno has been shown using a pair of blades in its battle.
  • Umbrakinesis: Like all Heartless, the Dark Inferno has at least some form of control over Darkness.


           :category:Kingdom Hearts SorcerersSorcerers

Original Cast
AeleusAnsem the Seeker of DarknessAnsem the WiseAnti-AquaAnti-RikuArmor of EraqusBaldrBragiBraigBrainChirithyDark FigureDark RikuDarknessData-NaminéData-RikuData-SoraData-Organization XIIIData-RoxasDilanEphemerEvenEraqusFortellers (Aced, Ava, Gula, Invi, Ira, Luxu & Master of Masters)Guardians of Light (Aqua, Kairi, Lea, Riku, Sora, Terra & Ventus)HermodIenzoIsaLingering WillMaster XehanortNo HeartOdinOrganization XIII (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas & Xion)Phantom AquaPlayerPrincesses of HeartReplica XehanortRiku ReplicaSkuldShadow RoxasTerra-XehanortThe ExperamentUrdVanitasVorYoung Xehanort

Final Fantasy Characters
AerithAuronCloud StrifeCid HighwindFujinGullwings (Paine, Rikku & Yuna)MoogleRaiScrald LionheartSeifer AlmasySelphie TilmittSephirothSetzer GabbianiTidusTifa LockhartVivi OrnitierWakkaYuffie KisaragiZack Fair

Disney Characters
AbuAladdinAliceAndrinaAnnaArialAttinaBathtubBeastBelleBo'sunCaptain Hector BarbossaCaptain Jack SparrowCard SoldiersCave of WondersCerberusChipChip and DaleChernabogCheshire CatCogsworthCouncil of Disney VillainsCrew of the Black PearlCrew of the Flying DutchmanDavy JonesDolphinDonald DuckDoornobDr. FinkelsteinElsaElvesEnchanted BroomsFa MulanFlounderFlotsam and JetsamGastonGenieGlutGods of Olympus (Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hermes & Zeus)GoofyGuardHerculesIagoJack SkellingtonJacobyJafarJames HookJasmineJoshamee GibbsKing MickeyKing TritanLi ShangLock, Shock and BarrelLost BoysLumièreMad HatterMadam GothelMagic CarpetMagic MirrorMaleficentMelaficent's GoonsMarch HareMarshmallowMauriceMayorMerlinMr. SmeeMrs. PottsMushuOlafOogie BoogiePain & PanicPeddlerPeg Leg PetePeter PanPhiloctetesPinocchioPrince EricPrince PhillipQueen MinnieQueen of HeartsRepunzelSabastianSallySanta CluasShan-YuSkeleton RaindeerSultanThe Emperor of ChinaTick Tock the CrocodileTinker BellTitans (Hydros, Lythos, Pyros & Stratos)The Blue FairyTweedledum and TweedldeeTwiggUrsalaWardrobeWendy DarlingWhite RabbitYao, Ling and Chien PoYen SidZeusZero

The World Ends With You Characters
Daisukenojo "Beat" BitoNeku SakurabaRaimu "Rhyme" BitoShiki MisakiYoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu

Aerial KnockerAerial MasterAeroplaneAir DroidAir PirateAir SoldierAnchor RaiderAngel StarAngelic AmberAnsem the Seeker of DarknessAntiSoraAntlionAsssult RiderAquatankArmored KnightBanditBarrel SpiderBattleshipBeasts & BugsBehemothBitter MacaronBizzare ArcherBlack BalletBlack FungusBlizzard Lord & Volcanic LordBlue RhapsodyBookmasterBolt TowerBouncy PetsBouncywildBug BloxBulkey VendorCannon GunChaos CarriegeChief PuffChimeraCreeper PlantCreepwormCrescendoCrimson JazzCymble MonkeyDark FigureDark FlowerDark ThornDarkballDarksideDarkubesDefenderDemon TideDemon TowerDevostatorDire PlantDriller MoleEarth CoreEmerald BluesFestive FireworksFiery GlobeFlame CoreFlantastic SevenFlutteringFortuntellerFrost SerpentGargoyleGold BeatGold TricholomaGreen RequiemGuard ArmourGrim GuardianessGrim ReaperGroundshakerGummi HeartlessHammer FrameHook BatHot RodIcy CubeIlluminatorInfernal EngineInvisibleKing of ToysKurt ZisaLance SoldierLarge ArmourLarge BodyLeechgraveLichLiving BoneLuna BanditMagnum LoaderMalachite BoeroMarine RumbaMarionetteMechanitaurMorning StarMushroom XIIINeoshadowNightwalkerOpposite ArmourPatchwork AnimalsParasite CageParasol BeautyPhantomPink AgaricusPiratePogo ShovelPole CannonPopcatPossessorPot CentipedePot ScorpionPowerwildPrison KeeperPuffballRabid DogRabit ThrusterRaging VultureRare TruffleRed NocturneRock TrollRuler of the SkySatyrScarlet TangoScreawdiverSea NeonSea SpriteSearch GhostShadowShadow SoraShadow StalkerShamanSilver RockSköllSoldierSora's HeartlessSpear LizardStealth SneakStorm RiderStraferSupreme SmasherSurveillance RobotThresholderTirebladeTornado StepToy SoldierToy TrooperTrick GhostTrickmasterVaperflyVermilion SambaViolet WaltzWater CoreWhite MushroomWicked WatermelonWight KnightWinterhornWizardWorld of ChaosWyvernYellow Opera

Anti-SaïxAssassinAxelBerserkerCreeperDancerDark RikuData-Organization XIIIDemyxDragoonDuskFake ViviGamblerGummi NobodiesLarxeneLexaeusLuxordMarluxiaNinjaReaperRiku ReplicaRoxasSaïxSamuraiSniperSorcererSpecterTwilight ThornVexenXaldinXemnasXigbarXionZexion

ArchravenAxe FlapperBelly BalloonBlobmobBlue Sea SaltBruiserBuckle BruiserChrono TwisterCursed CoachElement ClusterFlame BoxFloating FloraFloodFlowersnakeGlidewinderGluttonous GooHareraiserIron ImprisonerJellyshadeLone RunnerLump of HorrorMad TreantMandrakeMagic MirrorMetamorphosisMimic MasterMonotruckerRed Hot ChiliScrapperShegazerSonic BlasterSpiderchestSymphony MasterTank TopplerThornbiteTrinity ArmorTriple WrecherTurtletoadVanitasVanitas RemnantVile PhialVitality VialWheel MasterWild BruiserYellow Mustard

Dream Eaters
Anti Black CoatAura LionBrawlamariCatanukiCera TerrorChar ClawbsterChill ClawbsterCommantisDrill SyeDucky GooseEscarglowFin FataleGhostabockyHailbirdHebby ReppHockomonkeyHoley MoleyIceguin AceJuggle PupKeeba TigerKO KabutoKomory BatKooma PandaKyrooMe Me BunnyMeow WowNecho CatNightmare Ventus ArmorPeepsta HooPegaslickPricklemaneQueen BuzzerflyRikuRyu DragonSpellicanStagglercepsTama SheepTatsu SteedTubguin AceThunderaffeToximanderTyranto RexYoggy RamWargoyleWheeflowerZolephant
