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Archer (Shantae) is one of the minor antagonists in the Shantae series.



The Archers first appeared in Shantae, where they are seen in the haunted parts of the Hub World, seeminly training their skills. They would fire at Shantae when they see her.

The Archers returned in Shantae: Risky's Revenge, where the Archers are seen around all over the place, their are also two forms of the Archers, the standard that would fire one arrow and blue Archers that would fire three shots. They would also often team up with the other enemies.

The Archers would also appear in Shantae and the Pirates Curse, where they would appear on Tan Line Island and the Village of Lost Souls to fight agsinst Shantae alone other enmies such as Scorpiangal and Nagas.

In Shatnae: Half-Genie Hero, The Archers appear once again, where they would fight against Shantae once more in Tassel Town, although this time they mainly fight her just by themselves.

The Archers made their last known appearance in Shantae and the Seven Sirens, where they...



  • Shantae
  • Shantae: Risky's Revenge
  • Shantae and the Pirates Curse
  • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
  • Shantae and the Seven Sirens


           :category:Shantae SorcerersSorcerers

Main Heroes

Other Heroes
Abner CadaverBath GirlLobster SirenPoeSave GuyShop OwnerVillagersZombies

Pirate MasterRisky BootsTinkerbat

Barons of Sequinn Land
Ammo BaronArmor BaronHypno BaronSquid BaronTechno Baron

Seven Sirens
Angler Fish SirenCoral SirenEmpress SirenOcto SirenTubeworm SirenWater Lily Siren

Other Villains
Giga MermaidHolly LingerbeanNega-ShantaeStone Gaudians

Minor Enemies
ArcherBatsBatgalCrabCrackersFrog FishGhostMermaidMud Bog CreaturesNagaOne-Eyed SpiderOrcPincerScarecrowScorpiangalSnakesWild Zombie
