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Sorcerers Wiki

Have your laugh. I deserve as much for failing to see you for a fool you are.
~ Ansem to Xemnas, Kingdom Hearts II.

Ansem the Wise, known sometimes as DiZ, is a recurring character in the Kingdom Hearts series.


Kingdom Hearts[]

Ansem the Wise was the ruler of Radian Garden often studying about the Heart with his five apprentices known as Braig, Even, Dilan, Aeleus and Ienzo. He was also friends with King Mickey.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Ansem was called to help someone known as Xehanort and so made him one of his apprentices, but was cautious of him.

Ansem was later betrayed by his students and was leter sent to the realm of Darkness, where he would creat some secret reports, he later went to Castle Oblivion.

Ansem made his first appearance in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories where he would go under the name DiZ, where he would test Riku's abilities. He later gave both Riku and King Mickey cloaks of Darkness, only to appear after Riku Ansem the Seeker of Darkness to see what road he would take and somewhat follow him.

DiZ would also appear in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, where both he, Naminé and Riku were trying to find a way to wake Sora up as well as spying on Organization XIII.

In Kingdom Hearts II, DiZ was lookng after Roxas until he went back to Sora, afterwards he would continue his reserch as well spy on the Organization once again. DiZ was later seen on the World that Never Was, where he took off his disguiesed and used a divise he made to destroy the artifical Kingdom Hearts, while also talking to the King and a bit later Xemnas. Ansem was later sent to the Dark World after the divise was destroyed.

A data version of Ansem was seen in Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance, where he went to talk to Riku.

Ansem was seen on a beach where he went to talk to Aqua.

In Kingdom Hearts III, Ansem was taken hostage by Ansem the Seeker of Darkness and went back to Twilight Town. He later saw Hanner, Pence and Ollette and was later rescued by some Dusk. Ansem saw Vexen and went to creat a replica so Roxas and had Demyx diliver it. Ansem later went back to his old reserch and created a replica fo Naminé.


Kingdom Hearts

  • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
  • Kingdom Hearts 1.5
    • Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
    • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (movie)
  • Kingdom Hearts 2.5
    • Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
    • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix
  • Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
    • Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep a Fragmentary Passage
    • Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance
  • Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
    • Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
    • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Movie)
    • Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
    • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix
  • Kingdom Hearts III


           :category:Kingdom Hearts SorcerersSorcerers

Original Cast
AeleusAnsem the Seeker of DarknessAnsem the WiseAnti-AquaAnti-RikuArmor of EraqusBaldrBragiBraigBrainChirithyDark FigureDark RikuDarknessData-NaminéData-RikuData-SoraData-Organization XIIIData-RoxasDilanEphemerEvenEraqusFortellers (Aced, Ava, Gula, Invi, Ira, Luxu & Master of Masters)Guardians of Light (Aqua, Kairi, Lea, Riku, Sora, Terra & Ventus)HermodIenzoIsaLingering WillMaster XehanortNo HeartOdinOrganization XIII (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas & Xion)Phantom AquaPlayerPrincesses of HeartReplica XehanortRiku ReplicaSkuldShadow RoxasTerra-XehanortThe ExperamentUrdVanitasVorYoung Xehanort

Final Fantasy Characters
AerithAuronCloud StrifeCid HighwindFujinGullwings (Paine, Rikku & Yuna)MoogleRaiScrald LionheartSeifer AlmasySelphie TilmittSephirothSetzer GabbianiTidusTifa LockhartVivi OrnitierWakkaYuffie KisaragiZack Fair

Disney Characters
AbuAladdinAliceAndrinaAnnaArialAttinaBathtubBeastBelleBo'sunCaptain Hector BarbossaCaptain Jack SparrowCard SoldiersCave of WondersCerberusChipChip and DaleChernabogCheshire CatCogsworthCouncil of Disney VillainsCrew of the Black PearlCrew of the Flying DutchmanDavy JonesDolphinDonald DuckDoornobDr. FinkelsteinElsaElvesEnchanted BroomsFa MulanFlounderFlotsam and JetsamGastonGenieGlutGods of Olympus (Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hermes & Zeus)GoofyGuardHerculesIagoJack SkellingtonJacobyJafarJames HookJasmineJoshamee GibbsKing MickeyKing TritanLi ShangLock, Shock and BarrelLost BoysLumièreMad HatterMadam GothelMagic CarpetMagic MirrorMaleficentMelaficent's GoonsMarch HareMarshmallowMauriceMayorMerlinMr. SmeeMrs. PottsMushuOlafOogie BoogiePain & PanicPeddlerPeg Leg PetePeter PanPhiloctetesPinocchioPrince EricPrince PhillipQueen MinnieQueen of HeartsRepunzelSabastianSallySanta CluasShan-YuSkeleton RaindeerSultanThe Emperor of ChinaTick Tock the CrocodileTinker BellTitans (Hydros, Lythos, Pyros & Stratos)The Blue FairyTweedledum and TweedldeeTwiggUrsalaWardrobeWendy DarlingWhite RabbitYao, Ling and Chien PoYen SidZeusZero

The World Ends With You Characters
Daisukenojo "Beat" BitoNeku SakurabaRaimu "Rhyme" BitoShiki MisakiYoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu

Aerial KnockerAerial MasterAeroplaneAir DroidAir PirateAir SoldierAnchor RaiderAngel StarAngelic AmberAnsem the Seeker of DarknessAntiSoraAntlionAsssult RiderAquatankArmored KnightBanditBarrel SpiderBattleshipBeasts & BugsBehemothBitter MacaronBizzare ArcherBlack BalletBlack FungusBlizzard Lord & Volcanic LordBlue RhapsodyBookmasterBolt TowerBouncy PetsBouncywildBug BloxBulkey VendorCannon GunChaos CarriegeChief PuffChimeraCreeper PlantCreepwormCrescendoCrimson JazzCymble MonkeyDark FigureDark FlowerDark ThornDarkballDarksideDarkubesDefenderDemon TideDemon TowerDevostatorDire PlantDriller MoleEarth CoreEmerald BluesFestive FireworksFiery GlobeFlame CoreFlantastic SevenFlutteringFortuntellerFrost SerpentGargoyleGold BeatGold TricholomaGreen RequiemGuard ArmourGrim GuardianessGrim ReaperGroundshakerGummi HeartlessHammer FrameHook BatHot RodIcy CubeIlluminatorInfernal EngineInvisibleKing of ToysKurt ZisaLance SoldierLarge ArmourLarge BodyLeechgraveLichLiving BoneLuna BanditMagnum LoaderMalachite BoeroMarine RumbaMarionetteMechanitaurMorning StarMushroom XIIINeoshadowNightwalkerOpposite ArmourPatchwork AnimalsParasite CageParasol BeautyPhantomPink AgaricusPiratePogo ShovelPole CannonPopcatPossessorPot CentipedePot ScorpionPowerwildPrison KeeperPuffballRabid DogRabit ThrusterRaging VultureRare TruffleRed NocturneRock TrollRuler of the SkySatyrScarlet TangoScreawdiverSea NeonSea SpriteSearch GhostShadowShadow SoraShadow StalkerShamanSilver RockSköllSoldierSora's HeartlessSpear LizardStealth SneakStorm RiderStraferSupreme SmasherSurveillance RobotThresholderTirebladeTornado StepToy SoldierToy TrooperTrick GhostTrickmasterVaperflyVermilion SambaViolet WaltzWater CoreWhite MushroomWicked WatermelonWight KnightWinterhornWizardWorld of ChaosWyvernYellow Opera

Anti-SaïxAssassinAxelBerserkerCreeperDancerDark RikuData-Organization XIIIDemyxDragoonDuskFake ViviGamblerGummi NobodiesLarxeneLexaeusLuxordMarluxiaNinjaReaperRiku ReplicaRoxasSaïxSamuraiSniperSorcererSpecterTwilight ThornVexenXaldinXemnasXigbarXionZexion

ArchravenAxe FlapperBelly BalloonBlobmobBlue Sea SaltBruiserBuckle BruiserChrono TwisterCursed CoachElement ClusterFlame BoxFloating FloraFloodFlowersnakeGlidewinderGluttonous GooHareraiserIron ImprisonerJellyshadeLone RunnerLump of HorrorMad TreantMandrakeMagic MirrorMetamorphosisMimic MasterMonotruckerRed Hot ChiliScrapperShegazerSonic BlasterSpiderchestSymphony MasterTank TopplerThornbiteTrinity ArmorTriple WrecherTurtletoadVanitasVanitas RemnantVile PhialVitality VialWheel MasterWild BruiserYellow Mustard

Dream Eaters
Anti Black CoatAura LionBrawlamariCatanukiCera TerrorChar ClawbsterChill ClawbsterCommantisDrill SyeDucky GooseEscarglowFin FataleGhostabockyHailbirdHebby ReppHockomonkeyHoley MoleyIceguin AceJuggle PupKeeba TigerKO KabutoKomory BatKooma PandaKyrooMe Me BunnyMeow WowNecho CatNightmare Ventus ArmorPeepsta HooPegaslickPricklemaneQueen BuzzerflyRikuRyu DragonSpellicanStagglercepsTama SheepTatsu SteedTubguin AceThunderaffeToximanderTyranto RexYoggy RamWargoyleWheeflowerZolephant

           :category:Disney SorcerersSorcerers

Ahsoka TanoBeagle Boys (2017) (Ma Beagle, 2017 Version)Daisy DuckDoctor DoomDonald DuckEzra BridgerGoofyHeuy, Deuy and LeuyIce GiantsIron FistIron ManKannan JarrasLokiMagica De Spell (2017)Mickey MouseMinnie MouseOdin BorsonOswald the Lucky RabbitPeg Leg PeteScrooge McDuckThorThor OdinsonUltimate Spider-ManWitch HazelWhite TigerZero the Hutt

Animated Movies
AliceAuroraBeastCard SoldierCarnibogCinderellaDoorknobGods of Olympus (Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaests, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Morpheus, Poseidon & Zeus)HerculesHydraJafarMad HatterMagic MirrorMelificant (Goons)Queen GrimhildeQueen of HeartsSeven Dwarfs (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy & Sneezy)SmokeSnow WhiteTitans (Arges, Hydros, Lythos, Pyros & Stratos)White RabbitYen SidZeus

Black BeardBo'sunCaptain Hector BarbossaCaptain Jack SparrowCrew of the Black PearlCrew of the Flying DutchmenCrew of the Silent MaryDavy JonesIce GiantsJack the MonkeyJacobyJoshamee GibbsLokiOdin BorsonThor OdinsonTwigg

Video Games
Ansem the Seeker of DarknessAnsem the WiseBraigDark FigureDark RikuData-NaminéData-Organization XIIIData-RikuData-RoxasData-SoraDream Eaters (Anti Black Coat, Aura Lion, Brawlamari, Catanuki, Cera Terror, Char Clawbster, Chill Clawbster, Commantis, Drill Sye, Ducky Goose, Escarglow, Fin Fatale, Ghostabocky, Hailbird, Hebby Repp, Hockomonkey, Holey Moley, Iceguin Ace, Juggle Pup, Keeba Tiger, KO Kabuto, Komory Bat, Kooma Panda, Kyroo, Me Me Bunny, Meow Wow, Necho Cat, Nightmare Ventus Armor, Peepsta Hoo, Pegaslick, Pricklemane, Queen Buzzerfly, Ryu Dragon, Spellican, Stagglerceps, Tama Sheep, Tatsu Steed, Tubguin Ace, Thunderaffe, Toximander, Tyranto Rex, Yoggy Ram, Wargoyle, Wheeflower & Zolephant)Guardians of Light (Aqua, Kairi, Lea, Riku, Roxas, Sora, Terra & Ventus)Heartless (Aerial Knocker, Aerial Master, Aeroplane, Air Pirate, Air Soldier, Anchor Raider, Angel Star, AntiSora, Antlion, Asssult Rider, Aquatank, Armored Knight, Bandit, Barrel Spider, Battleship, Behemoth, Bitter Macaron, Bizzare Archer, Black Ballet, Black Fungus, Blizzard Lord & Volcanic Lord, Blue Rhapsody, Bookmaster, Bolt Tower, Bouncywild, Bug Blox, Bulkey Vendor, Cannon Gun, Chaos Carriege, Chief Puff, Chimera, Creeper Plant, Creepworm, Crescendo, Crimson Jazz, Cymble Monkey, Dark Flower, Dark Thorn, Darkball, Darkside, Darkubes, Defender, Demon Tide, Demon Tower, Devostator, Dire Plant, Driller Mole, Earth Core, Emerald Blues, Festive Fireworks, Fiery Globe, Flame Core, Flantastic Seven, Fluttering, Fortunteller, Frost Serpent, Gargoyle, Gargoyle Knight, Gold Beat, Gold Tricholoma, Green Requiem, Guard Armour, Grim Guardianess, Grim Reaper, Groundshaker, Hammer Frame, Hook Bat, Hot Rod, Icy Cube, Illuminator, Infernal Engine, Invisible, King of Toys, Kurt Zisa, Lance Soldier, Large Armour, Large Body, Leechgrave, Lich, Living Bone, Luna Bandit, Magnum Loader, Malachite Boero, Marine Rumba, Marionette, Mechanitaur, Morning Star, Mushroom XIII, Neoshadow, Nightwalker, Opposite Armour, Parasite Cage, Parasol Beauty, Phantom, Pink Agaricus, Pirate, Pogo Shovel, Pole Cannon, Popcat, Possessed Toys, Possessor, Pot Centipede, Pot Scorpion, Pot Spider, Powerwild, Prison Keeper, Puffball, Rabid Dog, Rapit Thruster, Raging Vulture, Rare Truffle, Red Nocturne, Rock Troll, Ruler of the Sky, Satyr, Scarlet Tango, Screawdiver, Sea Neon, Sea Sprite, Search Ghost, Shadow, Shadow Sora, Shadow Stalker, Shaman, Silver Rock, Sköll, Soldier, Sora's Heartless, Spear Lizard, Stealth Sneak, Storm Rider, Strafer, Surveillance Robot, Thresholder, Tireblade, Tornado Step, Toy Soldier, Toy Trooper, Trick Ghost, Trickmaster, Vaperfly, Vermilion Samba, Violet Waltz, Water Core, White Mushroom, Wicked Watermelon, Wight Knight, Winterhorn, Wizard, World of Chaos, Wyvern, Yellow Opera)IsaLeaKairiMaster XehanortNobodies (Anti-Saïx, Assassin, Beserker, Creeper, Dancer, Dragoon, Dusk, Fake Vivi, Gambler Ninja, Reaper, Samurai, Sniper, Sorcerer, Specter & Twilight Thorn)Organization XIII (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas & Xion)Riku ReplicaUnversed (Archraven, Axe Flapper, Belly Balloon, Blobmob, Blue Sea Salt, Bruiser, Buckle Bruiser, Chrono Twister, Cursed Coach, Element Cluster, Flame Box, Floating Flora, Flood, Flowersnake, Glidewinder, Gluttonous Goo, Hareraiser, Iron Imprisoner, Jellyshade, Lone Runner, Lump of Horror, Mad Treant, Mandrake, Magic Mirror, Metamorphosis, Mimic Master, Monotrucker, Red Hot Chili, Scrapper, Shegazer, Sonic Blaster, Spiderchest, Symphony Master, Tank Toppler, Thornbite, Trinity Armor, Triple Wrecher, Turtletoad, Vanitas Remnant, Vile Phial, Vitality Vial, Wheel Master, Wild Bruiser & Yellow Mustard)Vanitas

See also
Aladdin SorcerersDisney Infinity SorcerersHercules SorcerersKingdom Hearts SorcerersMarvel SorcerersPirates of the Caribbean SorcerersStar Wars Sorcerers
