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A woman leading a double life. She is competing for 1 million dollars in cash.
~ Angela Fortin's bio, Twisted Metal.

Angela Fortin, also known as Agent Amanda X, is a playable character in the Twisted Metal series.


Twisted Metal[]

Angela Fortin only appeared in the 1995 version of Twisted Metal, where she was driving around in a modified car known as the Pit Viper and went to fight against the likes of Agent Stone, Bruce Cochrane, Captain Spears, Charlie Kane, Commander Mason, Dave & Mike, Mr. Ash, Mr. Grimm, Scott Campbell, Sergeant Carl Roberts and Sweet Tooth. After defeating Minion, Angela Fortin later visited Calypso who gave her the one million dollars, but Angela later showed who she really is, a secret agent sent by LA to take down Calypso and so, shoot took Calypso down and left with the money.


Twisted Metal

  • Twisted Metal (1995)
  • Twisted Metal: Head-On Extra Twisted Edition


           Twisted Metal Series LogoSorcerers
Video Games

Twisted Metal (1995)
Drivers: Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneCaptain SpearsCharlie KaneCommander MasonDave & MikeMinionMr. AshMr. GrimmScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsSweet Tooth
Others: BlackCalypsoDemonsGhostsKane FamilyPolice
Twisted Metal 2
Drivers: Amanda WattsAxelCaptain Jamie RobertsCaptain RogersKen MastersKrista SparksMarcus KaneMike & StuMortimer ScharfSimon Whittlebone
Others: Axel's FatherRoberts FamilySparks Family
Comic: AlJoanieSatan
Twisted Metal III
Drivers: Amber RoseBuster CobbClub KidDamien ColesGranny DreadLance Wilder
Boss: Primeval
Twisted Metal 4
Drivers: CalypsoConner NazangCustomDennis FlandersGoggle EyesGeneral WarthogMicro BlastOrbitalQuatroRob ZombieThe JonesesTrash ManZanita Corbett
Others: Dr. RhoemerSweet Tooth's Henchmen (Melvin)
Twisted Metal: Black
Drivers: Agent StoneBilly Ray StillwellBlackBloody MaryCageDollfaceJohn DoeMr. GrimmNo-FacePreacherRaven
Others: AnnieAxel's WifeBennyDoomsday CultDr. HatchKellyMr. KreelTankerTeenage BoysThe PilotVietnam AdvisorWarhawk
Twisted Metal: Small Brawl
Drivers: HammerheadMastersMimeMr. GrimmOfficer RobertsPiecemealPrivate MasonSlamTrapperTwisterVinnie & BruceWarthog
Others: CatGoulber the Frog
Twisted Metal: Head-On
Drivers: Agent ShepardAngelCatfishChuckie FloopColonel HallCousin EddyGene RuttishMiranda Watts
Drivers (Lost): John DoeSevered Sam
Others: Calypso's GuardsDr. Zemu
Others (Lost): Apocalypse 9Bruce Cochrane's Former BossBruce Cochrane's Girlfriend
Twisted Metal (2012)
Drivers: DollfaceMr. Grimm
Gangs: ClownsDollsHoly MenSkulls
Others: Charlie KaneMr. Grimm's FatherThe Brothers GrimmSophie Kane
Televsion Series
Twisted Metal (2023)
Agent SheppardAgent StoneAmber RoseAxelBillBloody MaryCalypsoCarl RobertsDollface (Dollface Army)Jamie RobertsJohn DoeLoudMikeMiranda WattsMr. GrimmPreacher (Holy Men)QuietRavenStuTinkerSweet Tooth
